Three years ago, Boulder Valley Schools hired the world renowned “Renegade Lunch Lady” Chef Ann Cooper, to make school lunches among the healthiest in the nation. They even surpass the new USDA guidelines. They’re free of additives and made from scratch by acclaimed local chefs who want kids to really like healthy food. More students do choose the hot lunches now than they did three years ago, when school food was full of sugar and additives and other junk. But 60% of students still prefer packed lunches, and some of those packed lunches hold a lot of junk. How do students think we can make healthy food be more popular?
Chef Ann Cooper talks with middle school students about what they want for hot lunch
Editor’s note: In 2011, Casey Middle School student journalists agreed to take a closer look at school lunch and what would increase the number of students who eat the hot lunches. As part of that exploration, Sean and Jean met with Chef Ann Cooper, and they had this conversation: Use Quicktime Player to watch … Read more
The Unicycle Story
One of the most whimsical “vehicles” in the world is the unicycle. It’s also one of the most challenging ways to get around. But at the appropriately named grade school, “Uni” Hill, a circus club teaches children to ride the uni-cycle. Casey Middle School 7th grade Sophia is a graduate of the Uni Hill Circus Club. Here’s her report.
Thanks to Casey Journalism teacher Lee Lazar for her collaboration on this project. This program was made possible in part through a grant from the City of Boulder Youth Opportunities Board. This program broadcast on KGNU on Friday, May 27th, 2011.
Call-in Show – Middle school students discuss teen pregnancy
While EatYourRadio is a project about health and nutrition, sometimes students have asked to cover other health topics. One year, the health topic chosen by middle school students in Boulder was teen pregnancy. We have posted that series of shows to a sister site. Here is a link to that series, and that show.
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