Why – is it important to explore healthy living through EatYourRadio?
. . . Because it’s fun! You learn a lot, and you make a difference!
“I used to like candy, hot cheetos,” said student reporter Jose Cruz. “But now I’m eating corn, cucumbers, broccoli.” “I gave my candy to the kids who came trick-or-treating to my house,” student reporter Maria Garcia said. – From CBS4 TV Feature about EatYourRadio
Here are some reasons why other people say tune into EatYourRadio:
. . . Hearing kids talk about food is more impactful than hearing an adult say, ‘eat your fruit and vegetables.’” –
. . . Principal Kenneth Hulslander at Ashley Elementary says besides teaching kids interviewing skills, Eat Your Radio is helping them make better choices. “The big thing I’ve seen is improvement in what kids are snacking on. That’s the huge change. I see kids running around with fruit in their face instead of hot Cheetos. I’m seeing less of those Lunchable things, fewer sugary drinks, so-called fruit drinks. I know it’s had an impact on kids and families.” – National Center for Media Engagement
. . . More than half of (KGNU listeners) who tuned in to the healthy eating programming say they actually changed their eating habits in some way as a result. That is an incredibly high percentage. – Talmey-Drake Research and Strategy Inc. (Independent survey organization that gives Eat Your Radio very high ratings, both for being remembered by listeners and for influencing their intentions to heat healthier food.)